Friday, December 15, 2006

"I told him it was going to be the Daddy of storms," Thomure said

Fear not, we have indeed survived "the Daddy of storms." Luckily we came out better than the people shown above. Contrary to popular belief, that is not me in the far right corner using that commuter mug as a toilet, it is merely an imposter using that commuter mug as a toilet that happens to have found my lost ski jacket from the 1980's, you know, the limited edition one with fusica sleeves. Seriously tho, the storm hit, but no worries, as the storm blew out of control, I came to the rescue. See below. (The white guy is me)

After I was done with my heroics, my beautiful wife Ashley, and our dog Bear felt compelled to join me for a night underneath the stars. (see below)

Now, "if this isn't how it happened, it sure is how it should have..." Love you Connie. =) More photos, and the "truth" will follow I am sure when Ashley gets here, but as for now, that's how I remember it.



Anonymous said...

sweet drawing...


JonnyandAshley said...

That is exactly as I remember it my hero.

Anonymous said...

haha that was good i ove you soso much